On July 23, 2020, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) published Federal Register (FR) Notice 85 FR 44563 on certain exclusions from the Section 301 duty related to goods from China ($300B Action – Tranche 4). This would be the HTS 9903.88.15, which is indicated on the line above your normal tariff code.
These product exclusions relate to the imposed additional duties announced in 84 FR 43304 and 84 FR 45821 on goods covered under list 1/Annex A ($300B Action – Tranche 4).
Check the list out to see if your products might qualify for an exclusion. Remember they can be pretty product specific, so be prepared to have backup ready if Customs questions your items.
If they do qualify, be sure to let us know so we can update our records!