Wasatch CHB has officially relocated to Bellingham, WA, but that doesn’t mean anything has changed! As we all know, COVID-19 really brought out opportunities for companies to perform more work remotely, so even though our physical address has changed, the services we provide haven’t. Customs and Border Protection even updated the regulations with the Broker […]

https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2023/september/ustr-extends-reinstated-and-covid-related-exclusions-china-section-301-tariffs The COVID related exclusions have now been extended AGAIN through end of 2023! Did your item make the cut? Check out this link. https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2023/september/ustr-extends-reinstated-and-covid-related-exclusions-china-section-301-tariffs

They aren’t the first, and they definitely won’t be the last. In 2020, logistics giant CMA-CGM was hit. Now, in an already strained logistics system, one of the biggest has been hacked, Expeditors International. This could have some serious consequences at a time when the system is already struggling to keep up. https://www.wsj.com/articles/expeditors-international-shuts-down-computer-systems-after-cyberattack-11645566461

If you aren’t familiar with the website Marine Traffic, you might want to start using it. It allows you to get a much bigger picture of where your cargo’s vessel might be located at any given time. You can see if it’s on its way from China or if it’s finally docked in Long Beach,

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Here is an interesting read from New York Times on why the supply chain is as discombobulated as it is and how it could be this way for some time. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/22/business/shortages-supply-chain.html